BeautyTech #Chartres,

Le réseau BeautyTech #Chartres, inspiré par la dynamique French Tech, est un réseau initié par Chartres métropole, la Cosmetic Valley et des startups du territoire pour fédérer les jeunes entreprises innovantes et tous les acteurs de la filière beauté. Ses objectifs :
  • Créer un réseau, d’acteurs et de compétences, engagé pour inventer la beauté de demain
  • Favoriser l’entraide,
  • Encourager et construire des synergies,
  • Faire grandir le business de chacun,
  • Impulser le rayonnement des pépites françaises de la beauté.
Au sein de cet écosystème, Chartres métropole porte la Fabrique de la Beauté, le seul incubateur de start-up, à l’échelle nationale, spécialisé dans la filière cosmétique et hébergé au 101 - la Cité de l’Innovation.


Centdegrés is an international brand intelligence and creative agency.

Our mission is to create valuable brand for our clients: to create beautiful brands from scratch, and to transform brands to make them more desirable in their markets, and more relevant to the times.

To do this, we re-think the meaning, and re-design the form: brand platform, visual identity, artistic direction, product design, retail.

We work for global groups, SMEs, start-ups, international or local structures, led by talents based in Paris, Dubai, Delhi or Shanghai.

Experts in beauty and fragrance, we work for many other sectors where creative value is strong, and the emotional connection with brands is crucial.


Pionnier et expert en biotechnologies éthiques depuis plus de 30 ans, GREENTECH recherche, développe et produit des actifs de haute technologie à partir de sources naturelles issues des mondes végétal, marin et microbien, dans le respect de l'Homme et de l'Environnement.

Au cœur de ces ingrédients, toutes les performances de la nature, renforcées par des procédés de pointe (extraction bioguidée, biopurification enzymatique, fermentation, bioconversion...). Les actifs développés par GREENTECH s'appuient sur des expertises scientifiques majeures (Holobiont, microbiote, psycholobiologie/axe peau-cerveau, exposome, biomimétisme...) et couvrent l'ensemble des applications cosmétiques pour le soin, l'entretien et la protection de la peau, du cuir chevelu, des ongles et des cheveux.

NUON: Sponsor of the conference program

Nuon Medical Technologies stands as atestament to innovation and the pursuit of excellence in the realm of cosmetic enhancement.

With over 18 years of expertise in themedical technology sector, we havebeen at the forefront of developing advanced skincare solutions. We began with a commitment to enhancing the user experience through groundbreaking activeapplicators and secondary applicators,specifically tailored to augment theefficacy of cosmetic products.

Our portfolio boasts a vast array oftechnologies-from phototherapy andmicrocurrents to ultrasonic vibrationsand advanced heating elements-eachmeticulously engineered to deliver notjust immediate gratification but alsoenduring results.

Région île de France

With its 12 million inhabitants, the Region Île-de-France (Paris Region) is home to 18% of France’s population. Paris Region manages and coordinates various aspects of its inhabitants lives from public transportation, infrastructures to economic development, tourism…

A dynamic and fast-growing Region

Accounting for 31% of the national GDP, Paris Region is more than a cultural metropolis, it’s a scientific laboratory and France’s economic powerhouse. Thanks to its strong concentration of talent, capital, and business opportunities, Paris Region is Europe's leading economic hub and a major R&D player. As a world leader in financial services, aerospace and defense, and a pioneer in new mobility, new space, cleantech… the Region is also recognized on the world stage for the quality of its research in health and is also a leader in digital transformation and in many more industrial fields such as cosmetics.

The leading beauty industry network worldwide is in Paris Region across the entire value chain:  product design, production, commercialization, retail  and the Region is also a global center of excellence for innovation, research and development of beauty products, attracting leading companies and talents in this field.


Siemens Digital Industries Software: Welcome to the Future of Cosmetic Innovation

Siemens Digital Industries Software is helping cosmetic companies transform innovative ideas into reality with agility and efficiency. Through our advanced digital twin technology, businesses can make smarter, data-driven decisions, combining the real and digital worlds for a seamless, sustainable design, engineering, and manufacturing process. 

From idea to product, Siemens enables cosmetic brands to lead the way in sustainability and innovation.