COSMETIC 360 celebrates its 10th anniversary!

Don't miss the COSMETOTPIADS (cosmetic games).

This exceptional event is organized for the 10th anniversary of COSMETIC 360 the year of Olympic Games in Paris. 

This international competition of excellence will host 14 pavilions from the 4 corners of the world, showcasing their cosmetics ecosystems.

Each competing region will defend its colours by showcasing its cosmetics ecosystem, which enables companies to innovate, through 4 themes: training, public research, local initiatives and know-how.

Highlights of the COSMETOPIADES will include, in a spirit of excellence, respect and friendship:
  • A great opening ceremony,
  • The discovery of cosmetics ecosystems from all over the world,
  • And an awards ceremony for cosmetic excellence.

See you at the awards ceremony  on Thursday, October 17 at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris!